Why go to Troms?


Why not? It's a short way from big city life in Tromsø city to spectacular moutains in the areas around. You can do almost anything all year around. Downhill skiing, Northern Lights searching, husky tours, whale safaries, fishing salmon in rivers, reindeer visits, hiking and fishing trout far away in the mountains. I guess Troms has it all. 

Troms lies between Nordland in the south and Finnmark in the north-east, and is the second most northerly county in Norway. 

Did you know? Troms has four National Parks, many big islands and has a lot of coast line. There are so many small hidden beaches. Tourism is pretty big in Tromsø, but you can still find all those quite spots in the areas around. 

Everywhere you look in Troms, you will see mountains. Some of them has a snow on them for the whole summer. The sun does not rice for 1,5 month, from end of november to mid january. The midnight sun arrives in the end of may and lasts to late july.